I'll Put Your Audience First
Comfortable as a Keynote Speaker, as part of a Panel of Insightful Thinkers, or in a Fireside Chat environment, I'll leave your audience inspired, warm and motivated for what's next.
They'll walk away thinking and feeling different.
They'll walk away smiling.
I'd like to talk to you about my event
"Mary Ann is a sought-after speaker who brings an energy to events through her unique style of inspirational storytelling, warmth and humour."
Dr. Marie Connolly, Head of Equality & Diversity, University of Limerick
I like to speak about
Psychological Safety and Conversational Intelligence ®
Psychological Safety is the essential currency in any organisation but it is often so elusive.
How do you create psychological safety in a relationship, in a team, in an organisation? It starts in the moment-to-moment interactions we have with each other.
Leading from 'Who'
What does leading from ‘Who’ mean?
It starts with the inner work of owning your own ‘who’ and from there engaging with others so that they too can show up fully as themselves. Imagine what could happen then?
Creating a life Beyond Circumstance and Condition Thinking
Change your thinking, change your results! We are more than any condition and circumstance that life throws at us.
Here you will be challenged to dream bigger in all aspects of your life and to live a life deserving of you.
I'd love to hear about your event
Why don't we make some time to talk about it?
Yes, I'd love to talk to you about my event